Monday, December 05, 2005

The Trobulemakers - Wisdom Teeth

      Today, I go to see the dentist to extract my mandible 3rd molar. Although it should give us wisdom - according to its name, but actually it is trouble-making. Both my mandible wisdom teeth grow horizontally. One of them was extracted two years ago due to the inflammation between it and a 2nd molar; however, the other one is pathology-free. I have considered the operation for a long time, and finally I do it today.

By my experience, I would highly recommend this dentist "Dr. 王宏仁, 壢新醫院". In my opinion, he does really great jobs in my two operations.

I also lookup up some useful information about the wisdom teeth, and it is as follows:
1. For patients - WISDOM TEETH
2. Effectiveness Matters - Prophylactic removal of impacted third molars: is it justified?